Virginia Blackpowder 10 Point

by Tim
(Gainesville Va.)

Started hunting well before daylight in an old tree stand in the corner of a huge hayfield in Culpepper Va. Was planning a dawn till dusk hunt, and this buck made me wait till the last minute before it walked within 10 yards of my stand and presented a broad side shot with my Knight magnum disk 50 cal. Made a good shot as the 10 point ran only about 15 yards then dropped. When I first saw the buck at about 50 yards I did not notice that what I thought was an eight pointer was actually a 10 point. It had a total of 2 kickers, one on each G2 about 1 inch long. To this date this buck is the biggest I've shot. There is a spot on my wall waiting, as soon as I get it back from the taxidermist!

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Nov 25, 2010
10 point
by: James Whittemore

Awesome Buck and story!! thanks for sharing

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