Walker County 8 Point

by Cotton
(Lafayette GA)

I was running late that morning and didn't get in the woods until about 8:30. I always get to my stand between 6:30 and 7:00, but this was a slow morning. By 9:30 I thought that getting in this area late I had already spooked them out, but 10 minutes later he walked out in the sun on an old logging road. I was about 75 to 80 yards away when I raised my gun. He went into a trot, I shot him on the run hitting him in the spine above the back hind leg, my first trophy.

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Jan 19, 2011
nice 8 point
by: Anonymous

very nice 8 point for the north ga area

Jan 19, 2011
nice 8 point
by: Anonymous

very nice 8 point for the north ga area

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