West Tennessee 9-Point

by Seth Crowe (Dad)
(Jackon, TN, USA)

Hayden shot this wide 9 point 1-8-12 at 8:40 am on the last day of the late juvenile season while hunting with his Dad in Carroll Co., TN. He had just passed on a small doe that came into the draw. He was glad he passed when this buck came along 2 minutes later. The buck was making every turn along the trail the doe had just made. When the buck hit the last opening the doe had been in before it disappeared, Hayden took the shot. The big 9 whirled around going back the way he came. As the buck made its way up the the other side of the draw it started to stumble and went down. What a relief! What a year! Hayden had hunted hard all year. He not only hunted hard during rifle season, he bow hunted and muzzloaded during October and November. This was the first and last 2 deer Hayden had saw all year, while in stand. Just wasn't his year until the very last day.

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Jul 23, 2012
I would put him in, what I thought, the best spot possible every time. I would end up seeing all the NEW
by: Dad

I would put Hayden in, what I thought, the best spot possible every time. I would end up seeing all the deer and he would get skunked. Now, I get to brag about Hayden killing the biggest buck in our family.

Mar 16, 2012
by: Anonymous

Patients always pays off. It also helps to be in a good spot. Congratulations!!

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