West Virginia 11 Point Pope and Young?

by David Jones
(Wood County West Virginia)

11 Point

11 Point

By far the nicest whitetail I have taken, this buck was killed in Wood County West Virginia on Oct. 30th 2009. This was an evening hunt that seemed to last an eternity, I set my self climber up around 3:45 pm, I sat there nearly 2 hours, nothing. As I pondered about getting down early I caught something coming through the underbrush and it did not look very large, the closer it came the bigger he looked at 75 yards he stopped to graze........ We were stalemated at 75 yards for 30 min. or more, it was nearing dusk. Finally he approached at about 35 yards and stopped, I drew my Hoyt Katera XL and I guess you can say the rest is history . If anyone wants to make a guess as to how he will score contact me at drjmjj@aol.com thanks David

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Nov 29, 2009
he is a nice looking deer cingrats
by: Anonymous

he will easly make pope and young i would guess around 145 inches

Nov 03, 2009
nice deer
by: Tuck

the right place at the right time.

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