What will he score??

by Jim
(Atwater Ohio)

Nice 8 point

Nice 8 point

Anyone guess this nice 8 pt score??

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Jun 06, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

When a person got ambitious about anything then he is ready to do anything in order to achieve that thing in his life we have to pay someone to write my paper. So we need to motivate people as to make right thing as an ambition for their life.

Oct 06, 2012
Nice buck NEW
by: Anonymous

Can't see all details but I'd say 140easy if hehas a decent spread- Good Luck

Oct 06, 2012
Nice buck NEW
by: Anonymous

Can't see all details but I'd say 140easy if hehas a decent spread- Good Luck

Sep 26, 2012
Score NEW
by: Mljb79

High 130s my guess would be 138 but it's hard to tell how wide he is. It's a nice deer though

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