Wisconsin 8 Pointer and first buck!

by Zach 'Almond Joy'
(Grand View WIsconsin)

First deer, shot at 5:50PM an opening day. Used a Leverage speed ladder, Bloodrunner broad head, and the Diamond Razoredge bow.

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Oct 30, 2015
Education NEW
by: Luke Nevile

Hey! Zach. Congratulations on your first buck. It looks cool. You really had an amazing shot. It feels really great to hit the first one. Why don't you share it through writing your essays? It has hunted as a big and a separate topic of discussion. In which people share their hunting experiences and others appreciate it. You can share yours and it's fun discussion.

Sep 29, 2012
congrats NEW
by: Anonymous

Congrats on your 1st buck with a bow

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